June 20, 2011

Life Before Loss

I thought I should start by telling about my life before our loss.

My husband and I met in the summer of 2004 at a mutual friends graduation party and instantly hit it off.  We dated for 3 years before he proposed and were married July 5, 2008.  At this point we had one "furbaby" named Keller and decided to wait a little before trying to get pregnant.  In 2009 we decided to buy a home and made the decision to start a family.

We were able to get pregnant our first month of trying and were super excited that we would be having a June baby.  We made the decision to not find out the sex of the baby as we didn't want to spoil the biggest surprise of our lives.  Our due date was June 17th, 2010.  The pregnancy was wonderful.  I was happy and everything went extremely well.  I never had morning sickness, I didn't have any swelling or heartburn, my blood pressure was always normal, I only gained 22 pounds, my labor (from start to finish) was 12 hours, I had no medical intervention or pain medication, and our son was born a whopping 8 lbs 13 oz and 23 in long on June 25th, 2010 at 3:12 pm.  He was the greatest birthday present I could ever have asked for.  Yes, he was born on my 25th birthday!  He was a happy, healthy baby boy.  We named him Boone Thomas.  Boone is my Mother-In-Laws maiden name and Thomas is my Mother's maiden name.  He was perfect in every way!

My husband and I discussed before getting pregnant the first time that we wanted our children to be close in age.  My brother and I were close in age and got along great, while his sister and him were further apart in age and didn't get a long at all.  We wanted are kids to be friends in addition to being siblings.  So, deciding to get pregnant again soon was a given and in October 2010 we were pregnant, again, after trying for only one month.  This is where our lives changed forever...

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